Coaching Baseball: How to Throw Batting Practice Part 1

He must have a Rubber Arm… Have you ever wondered how a coach can throw so much batting practice (BP)  and get up the next day and do it again? Well, I have a couple of secrets but first lets describe a typical scenario. You are a youth coach or a parent that is working […]

Coaching Baseball: Glove Curl

What is “glove curl” or “glove roll”? I see many middle schoolers and elementary schoolers approach a ground ball with their glove close to their chest and the palm facing up or toward their chest as well. There are 2 problems with this… The player develops a habit of “stabbing” at the ball at the […]

Coaching Baseball: The Correct Way To Hold A Baseball

After years of coaching, giving private lessons, working at camps and clinics, it amazes me to see so many baseball players holding the baseball incorrectly. I am talking about basic throwing mechanics and the first step in proper throwing mechanics is holding the baseball the correct way. So what is the correct way to hold […]

Coaching Baseball: Eliminating Bat Drag

How To Identify & Eliminate “Bat Drag” So what is bat drag? Bat drag happens when the player “pulls” his hands through the hitting zone with the barrel dipped below the hands. One thing to look for when identifying bat drag is the back elbow. It will lead to the ball at the approach position […]

How Do I Approach The Batter’s Box?

We practice our swing thousands of times each season for those precious few cuts that we get while we actually playing a competitive game (those are the ones that really matter right?). As youth coaches, we sometimes get caught up in teaching technique and drilling our kids to hopefully develop the proper muscle memory so […]

Coaching Baseball: Dealing With Difficult Coaches

Many of us have run across the “difficult” youth baseball coach. Ever wanted a real expert’s advice on how to deal with the problem? Here’s a great article from Sports Parents.Com about how to deal with “The Difficult Coach.” Dealing With Difficult Coaches Volunteer coaches mean well, but they don’t always do well. Here’s how […]

A Night At Fenway Park